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- Mission - Vision
About Us
About Starwood
Starwood, one of Yıldız Family companies engaged in forest products industry for 4 generations, is one of the biggest industrial companies in Turkey with its growing production capacity and new investments every year.
The company has the highest production volüme capacity in one roof in Turkey, produces 2.000 m³ MDF per day on 2 lines and 4,000 m³ chipboard 3 lines, which is especially specialized in the production of thin MDF from 1.5 mm to 8 mm. Starwood has a total production capacity of 700.000 m² in 350.000 m² closed area in İnegöl plant and has a production capacity of 50.000 sheets/day with 12 short cycle press lines ( dims 1830 mm and 2100 mm) ogether with Georgian plant.
With its 5 impregnation lines, While producing its own production needs and Starwood also supplies impregnated paper for customers on the domestic and export market. On the other hand Starwood produces his own glue for paper impregnation, particle board and MDF production. With a 450.000 m²/day capacity paint line, Starwood is able to paint the boards from 1,5 mm to 22 mm, with 30 different solid and print colours, In addition, all kinds of customer-specific paint can be painted. Also according to cusmer’s need Starwood is able to produce custom-made colours for his partners.
With its enviroment-friendly structure and fresh air quality, Starwood has respiratory systems for pressurized gases in all production lines and electrostatic filter / dust separators for chipboard plants. All E1 grade Starwood products, which do not contain carcinogenic substances, are certified with national and international quality standards.
Our Mission
By following the developments in the forest industry sector, without causing harm or detriment to our country’s forests, we are producing the products which are not harmful for human health, are environmentally-conscious and consist of quality and modern designs which we then present for the customers appreciation.
Our Vision
Our vision is to present the products for usage which are healthy and problem-free and in doing so raise the living standard of our country’s people.